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Speaker & Moderator

TEDx Speaker

How to bring community-led culture to life

Patrycja's Ted talk is about transforming lives and organizations by nurturing awareness, curiosity, joy of exploration and a sense of belonging – by rebuilding culture together!

This is a story of breaking barriers, of radical acceptance, of rebuilding trust, of starting from scratch, of remaining humble, of letting go of power and focusing on challenging systems in the name of many.

This is a call to action to cultivate community-led cultures by shifting from individualism to community, from profit to sustainability, and from exploitation to collaboration.

This is the invitation to break the barriers for integration, unlearn what you have learned and build the brave spaces of radical trust and inclusion.


Speaker & Moderator

Need an engaging moderator, a powerful speaker, or a thought leader to inspire your audience?


Entrepreneur by passion, social by spirit, a curious and unstoppable disruptor by nature - following her digital heart with a social spirit to diversity and innovation, Patrycja is living her motto: "Nothing changes if nothing changes".​​

Do you want to get surprisingly inspired and share a glimpse of "Patnation" with your audience? 

Reach out

Patrycja delivers keynotes, panel talks, webinars and workshops in English and German.

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Keynote Speaker

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